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Gloucestershire Learning Alliance

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About us

At Tredington Primary School, we are a strong, friendly and caring community; all the adults in the school work closely together to create a warm and secure feeling as soon as you walk through the door.

Each child is treated as an individual, allowing room for their particular talents and skills to flourish.

We aim to prepare our children for future opportunities and challenges in order for them to achieve their personal potential. This is underpinned by our school vision of ‘Aspire, Create, Excel.' This vision encourages children to learn resilience, determination, kindness, empathy and responsibility; we strongly believe that with this skillset, children will leave as well-rounded individuals.

Successes are celebrated weekly as we learn new skills and meet new ideas of thinking. 

We aim to provide teaching and learning that is stimulating, challenging and tailored to the needs of each individual child through our assessment-led and knowledge-rich curriculum.

We want our pupils to be enquiring and inquisitive learners who are able to pursue their interests, whilst receiving a high standard of education.  To achieve this, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum, both inside and outside the classroom. 

 Our school building is set in idyllic rural surroundings, with its own sports field, forest school area, garden, play area and chicken coop. We have close links with our neighbouring communities and value our local traditions and countryside setting. 

Learn more about us

Tredington Primary School